May 7, 2025 is the deadline for ALL registrations for BOTH Las Vegas and Orlando. Registrations submitted after the deadline will incur full tuition prices. All registrations must be made via our online registration system. Phone, email and mail-in registrations are not accepted.

Dancers are required to register for the entire workshop in order to compete. However, dancers are not required to compete in order to attend the workshop.

Registrations must be paid in full before any final event information is released. This includes event schedules, competition orders, studio packets, scholarship numbers, wristbands, etc.

All registrations are non-refundable. NO EXCEPTIONS.

All registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Once capacity has been hit for any ballroom we will not be able to accept additional dancers. We encourage you to register as early as possible to ensure your spot.

We reserve the right to change all rules and regulations at any time without notice.


All registrations must pay a non-refundable deposit at the time of registration to secure your spot. With all balances being fully paid 4 weeks prior to the event. Fees paid after 30 days will automatically update to late fees.


1-3 Routines - $215

4-20 Routines - $500

21-40 Routines - $1000

41-60 Routines - $1500

61-75 Routines - $2000

75+ Routines - $2500

There is no limit to the number of routines (solos, duo/trios, and groups) that a studio can register for NDH


All dancers must be registered under an account created by a Studio or Dance Program Owner/Director. If a dancer would like to attend the convention/competition on their own, they do not need to be accompanied by the owner/director at the event. Note: If you feel like you don’t fall into this category or you have additional questions please reach out to a team member at ndh@amplifiedpro.net.


Space is limited; therefore, registration at the door is not guaranteed. Workshop registrations at the door are accepted based on availability; however, competition entries cannot be added at the event. On-site workshop registrations must be paid for in cash, credit card, or cashier’s check. Personal checks are not accepted after May 12, 2025.


All scholarships will be verified in the Amplified Productions office for all registrations. Please be prepared to send in the physical scholarship if requested. All scholarships must be applied at the time of registration check out. Registrations that complete payment before applying scholarships will only receive a credit and will not be refunded.


Studios who pay via check or cashier’s check will receive a discount towards their registration. Please reach out to the office to have this discount applied and make payment. This discount is only available for studios who make full payment by May 12, 2025. Studios must notify the office that they will be paying via check or cashier’s check prior to making payment or the discount will not be honored.

International payment options: Cashier's check, cash, and credit card accepted. Connect with the National Dance Honors office prior to making any credit card payments. International checks are not accepted.

Company checks are accepted in US Dollars only. Cashier’s checks and money orders are also accepted in US Dollars. A charge of $35 applies to all returned checks.


All dancers registered for NDH will need a signed waiver submitted prior to attending the event. All waivers will need to be submitted before final show documents are sent out.



Studio Owners/Directors may apply their own additional administrative fees. This is very common in the industry and covers the time and expenses incurred while organizing, registering, and attending these events.


(per dancer)

(per dancer)


Teens (13-15)

Minis (8-10)




Seniors (16-19)





Juniors (11-12)




Sparks (5-7)



*Early registration tuition fees apply to registrations that are fully paid by May 12, 2025.
**Full registration tuition fees will apply after May 16.


With a valid ID, dancers ages 17-24 will receive a discounted rate of $100 for the workshop if they have attended Adrenaline, Revive, or NDH in the past and have graduated high school. Reach out to the Adrenaline and Revive office to register. Dancers that are registered for the competition are not eligible for these discounts.


Observers are not permitted.

Studios with registered Spark, Mini and/or Junior dancers will receive ONE complimentary Studio Representative pass per room. This allows the representative IN-PERSON access to the Spark, Mini and Junior rooms only. Make sure this pass is visible to staff at all times during workshop classes.


Prior to arriving at National Dance Honors, each Teacher will receive an email highlighting the special events for the week as well as the workshop and competition schedules.

Registered Teachers have access to all Sparks, Mini, Junior, Teen, and Senior workshop classes. There will also be a multitude of forum and movement based classes for registered Teachers.

In addition, all registered Teachers will have priority reserved seating for the competition and priority in booking Gala tickets. All Honored Dancer auditions are closed to Studio Directors and Teachers.

There will be a designated check-in time for Teachers during the event.

Children of studio owners may receive FREE convention tuition. Please reach out to the office to have this discount applied.


1 FREE Teacher + 1 FREE Gala Ticket

5-14 Students

15-39 Students

2 FREE Teachers + 2 FREE Gala Tickets

3 FREE Teachers + 3 FREE Gala Tickets + 1 Advantage Scholarship

40-59 Students

60-79 Students

4 FREE Teachers + 4 FREE Gala Tickets + 1 Advantage Scholarship

5 FREE Teachers + 5 FREE Gala Tickets + 1 Advantage Scholarship

80+ Students

NOTE: Observers and scholarship recipients are not included when calculating the total number of paying students.


Presented to Studio Directors to encourage dancers to embrace the full convention experience. Each studio that brings 40 or more full-paying dancers to the workshop will receive a single convention scholarship to award one dancer from their studio. This allows the student to come back to one convention workshop free of charge to each Adrenaline and Revive during the 2025-2026 regional season!


This is a private texting service given out to Studio Owners/Directors at the time of check-in. This service will provide you a dedicated representative to assist in all aspects of your experience. We are available to help facilitate prop load-in times, music submissions, wristbands, competition scheduling, luggage storage, and other key elements and updates to help make your weekend run as smooth as possible.


Our competition is intended to provide a supportive and comfortable environment where dancers can showcase their talents and receive constructive critiques to enhance their skills from our faculty.

Instructors, Directors, Contractors, and event venues will be taking images and videos during the convention and competition. This media will be used for Adrenaline and Revive promotional and advertising purposes, social media, website, and brochures.

All competing dancers must be registered for the entire workshop in the city in which they are competing. Names, ages, and date of birth of all the dancers must appear on studio registration or it will not be accepted.

Our Staff reserves the right to disqualify any routine(s) that are in violation of our competition rules and regulations including, but not limited to video/photo rules, inappropriate costumes and/or content, unauthorized props, and time limits.

Competition and the scholarship show are open to guardians and friends of registered dancers, and there is no fee to attend.

Each dancer may register up to ONE (1) solo entry for the National Solo Competition. National solos cannot be the same as a registered Honored Dancer Solo.

There is no limit to the number of solos a studio can register for National Dance Honors.

If a routine is placed in the incorrect category (age division, style, etc.), our staff reserves the right to adjust it at any time.

All routines must perform in the scheduled competition order unless a Stage Manager grants permission otherwise.


Any routine that is late for its performance order without approval may be deducted .5 per judge.

Competing dancers should be ready 90 minutes prior to their scheduled competition time. If the competition runs ahead of schedule, each dancer will be expected to perform early.

The performance stage size will be approximately 60’ x 40’ (stage dimensions may or may not include wing space). Exact stage dimensions will be available prior to the event.


National Dance Honors will not have a pre-qualifying competition. All Group routines will need to pre-qualify at a regional event or pay the regional entry fees to enter the national competition. Solos and Duo/Trios do not need to pre-qualify regionally to compete at National Dance Honors.


Our events will have Female, Male, Gender Neutral dressing rooms available for competing dancers. Dressing rooms are not to be used as rehearsal space. Photo and video are not allowed in dressing rooms.


All event pricing is available in the Studio Owner/Director registration portal. Please login to your account to view the competition fees per routine size.

All competition fees are per person, per entry.


SPARKS Division Average age: 5-7
MINI Division Average age: 8-10
JUNIOR Division Average age: 11-12
TEEN Division Average age: 13-15
SENIOR Division Average age: 16-19

All Ages are as of January 1, 2025. Dancers must be prepared to present proof of age if requested.

To determine the average age of an entry, add all the ages together and divide by the total number of dancers in the routine. All averages are to be rounded down to the nearest whole number. For example, if a routine average age is 15.6, you would drop the decimal and the routine would compete in the Teen (13-15) age category.

If a routine has a teacher (any age) or dancer who is 20+ as of January 1st, 2025, the routine will be placed in the Adult Division and will be judged for adjudicated awards only.

The average age of each entry may not drop more than one age division below the age of the oldest dancer in the entry, regardless of the actual average age. For example, if an entry contains dancers ranging in age from 7-18, the entry may not compete in a division younger than the Teen (13-15) age category (one division younger than the oldest dancer, 18 years old).

Routines with an average age within .5 of the next age division are allowed to bump up if they choose. For example, a Teen routine with average age 15.5 - 15.9 can bump up to the Senior category however a Teen Routine with average age of 13 - 15.49 is ineligible to bump up. Reach out to the office if you would like to bump a routine up an age category. Routines that were bumped up during the regional season are required to be bumped up for NDH.



SOLO (1) 2:30min
DUO/TRIO (2-3) 3:00min
SMALL GROUP (4-9) 3:00min
LARGE GROUP (10-16) 4:00min
LINE (17-24) 5:00min
PRODUCTION (25+) 6:00min

*All performances over the time limits will be deducted .5 point per judge per minute.

*Extended time can be purchased for Small Groups, Large Groups, Lines, and Productions. There is a grace period of 30 seconds before extended time needs to be purchased.


*There is a 5 second grace period for solos before .5 per judge is deducted.


Entries should be categorized by the genre that most closely represents the movement and should be 80% true to that genre.

TAP dance is a uniquely audio-visual form that is characterized by the percussive sounds generated by either the metal taps or hard-soled shoes worn by the dancer(s). Specific rhythms are outlined in the choreography and then generated by the performers; these rhythms hold equal importance to the physical movements of the body which support the sound. The rhythms and movement work in tandem with music, but the rhythms can also serve solely as music, therefore technique applies greatly to both facets.

JAZZ dance is a dynamic and technical form that includes several styles, such as Classical Jazz, Latin Jazz, Afro Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Commercial Jazz, Street Jazz, and Broadway Jazz. Jazz technique primarily involves clean (or clear) body lines as well as parallel positions and shapes; movements tend to be bold, stylish, and isolated. While not mandatory, uptempo music is often used and dancers reflect the mood and point of view of the music.

CONTEMPORARY dance is a broad and widely inclusive form that draws from and typically combines several other genres including, but not limited to, ballet, modern, and jazz dance. Contemporary choreography is distinguished by its abstract and innovative movement as well as its challenging and dense concepts. The music involved in contemporary routines is usually varied, from traditional to experimental, but often employed as a backdrop to the piece and a foundation for the intention of the dancer(s).

LYRICAL dance is an expressive and emotional form that draws primarily from ballet, jazz, and modern dance techniques. Lyrical dance focuses on strength, control, and clarity of movement and can be distinguished either by deeply expressive or narrative intentions. The movement is usually in direct response to the lyrics, mood, or content of the music chosen and it is the goal of the dancer(s) to embody that through performance.

BALLET dance is a foundational form that is based on a specific kind of technicality and employs a classic vocabulary of movement. Classical ballet movement is designed to showcase stability and grace, as well as the understanding of turnout; thus technique is absolutely critical. Routines demonstrate melody and harmony of movement as it relates to music.

HIP-HOP is an ever-evolving form that involves movement deriving from hip hop foundations such as Breaking, Popping, Locking, Waving, etc. as well as the commercial dance industry and current social dances. The form tends to focus on individuality within collective movement, striving for entertainment and cleanliness simultaneously, and recognition of the form's roots. Choreography tends to directly reference the music through musicality, lyricism, tonality, and overall structure.

MUSICAL THEATRE is a highly theatrical dance form that derives from stage-bound origins, such as Broadway or the West End, and is often choreographed to a recognizable track from a stage or movie musical. Musical Theatre routines are distinguished by their heightened performance tendencies, such as lip-syncing, and an established storyline, employing dancers as specific characters. Musical Theatre routines often showcase jazz choreography, but they can include a wide range of movement types, including tap, as long as the musical narrative continues to be apparent.

BALLROOM is a global dance form that includes numerous variations such as the Cha-cha, Samba, Rumba, Jive, and Paso Doble. Ballroom is distinguished by certain disciplines in the lower body including the hips, legs, and feet that correspond with a specific poise approach and control in the upper body. There is often a character or historical approach to ballroom choreography, which is discernible by music choice and an interpretive performance quality.

OPEN routines and choreography tend to draw upon or combine numerous sub-genres of dance including, but not limited to, Clogging, Afro, Character, World Dance, Acrobatics, Jazz Funk, etc. Given the wide possibilities of sub-genres involved, dancers must strive to be proficient in all variations that the piece itself calls for. The choreography or the concept in which it is serving must be clearly understood and executed by all performers.


Music Upload: Music must be submitted on your online registration from the start of registration until one week before the event. You may bring a USB/flash drive for backup use only.

Music uploaded that exceeds the routine length limits will automatically had extended time fees added for that routine. There is a 30 second grace period before extended time needs to be purchased.


In the event a dancer does not complete a routine, that routine will be allowed to re-compete on a case-by-case basis. Incomplete routines will be scored based on what was presented. If a routine re-competes it will not be rescored. Exceptions will be made due to technical or production issues out of the performer’s control.


General props are permitted but must be taken on stage within two minutes and off stage within two minutes.

Additional set up time over 2 minutes, and up to 5 minutes, may be purchased for $150 per routine. Set up and tear down time may not exceed 5 minutes for each. A half point per judge per minute will be deducted for routines who go over the allotted 2 minutes without purchasing the extended set up time or who exceed the 5 minute limit.

Routines are required to designate if they have a prop in their registration. A half point per judge will be deducted for routines who fail to let us know they have a prop.

Each studio is responsible for the setup and removal of their props. It is the responsibility of each studio to have a cleanup crew to remove any objects left on stage. Guardians and studio directors may assist with prop set up and tear down but will not be allowed to assist with prop transitions or remain onstage during a routine.

There are restrictions in certain cities regarding the size and weight of props. Please check with Staff before submitting large prop entries.

Damage caused by props or performances may be subject to fines.

The Amplified team may assist with prop set up but is not responsible for any damage.

Props declared dangerous by Staff based on height, weight, and stability may not be permitted onstage.

No live animals, fog machines, or pyrotechnics are allowed at any time.

The use of certain substances including sand, baby powder, paint, liquids, or similar substances are not allowed during any performance.

At no time can any person or any object be thrown, tossed, or jump off of the stage.

Violation of any of the above prop guidelines may result in a point deduction of a half point per judge.


For the national competition, scoring is done on an adjudicated point scale for groups by 5 judges, each scoring a total of 100 points. Both the highest and lowest scores will be dropped. Note: The Honored Dancer Solo Competition will be adjudicated by 4 judges, each scoring a total of 100 points.

In the event of a tie, scores will be broken by first, Technique score; second, Execution score; if the score can’t be broken by these factors there will be a tie.

Any choreography that is not considered age-appropriate by the panel of judges will have 1 point deducted by each judge and possible disqualification.


Each judging panel will have one Teacher Judge who will provide feedback geared towards the teacher or choreographer on one track, and two Dancer Judges who will provide feedback geared towards the dancers together on a second track.

National Dance Honors strives to be conflict free on all judging panels. In the rare instance a faculty member must judge their own work, their score will be dropped with an average of the other two scores taking its place.

Scoring percentages are as follows:

Technical Execution - 30%
Choreographic Execution - 30%
Performance Quality - 20%
Overall Impression - 20%

Adjudication is as follows:

Ultimate Platinum: 291-300
Platinum: 280-290
High Gold: 265-279
Gold: 250-264



Honoring the Top 10 overall high score winners in each age division (Sparks, Mini, Junior, Teen, and Senior) in the following competition categories: Solo, Duo/Trio, Small Group, Large Group, and Line/Production. If there are less than five entries in a division, only 1st place will be announced. Lines and Productions are combined for Overall Honors.

























*All Overall winnings will be in the form of a credit to NDH 2025


Judges will pick routines of their choice for special recognition in each age group to be announced during awards ceremonies during the week.




Honored Crew Rehearsals & Performance

Honored Crew T-Shirt & Jacket

Honored Crew Bag

Honored Dancer Solo Entry



25% of total weighted score


15% of total weighted score


15% of total weighted score


15% of total weighted score


15% of total weighted score


15% of total weighted score


The top 10 Honored Dancer finalists will re-compete their solo for the NDH Faculty in the Honored Dancer Final Competition. Scores will be wiped clean giving all dancers a chance at the title.

All Honored Dancer Nominees who re-compete their solos are invited to join us as an Honored Assistant for the 2025-2026 regional season! Honored Assistants receive unlimited free tuition to all Adrenaline and Revive 25-26 regional events, are able to assist in the age group in which they won for the season, and more!


Our Mini, Junior, Teen, and Senior Honored Dancer Winners receive TWO FULL YEARS of unlimited Adrenaline and Revive Workshops as well as a chance to assist our faculty during the 2025-2026 regional season! Winners in the Senior age division receive a LIFETIME of free Adrenaline and Revive workshop tuition. Winners in all age divisions receive free workshop tuition to National Dance Honors 2026.


Dancers may only win the title of Honored Dancer once in an age category, and they are ineligible to recompete until they age up into the next category.


The NDH Video Crew experience is overseen by the Amplified Media Team and select Faculty members. This exciting opportunity is open to all Mini, Junior, Teen, and Senior dancers not participating in the Honored Dancer Crew Experience.

The fee to participate in the Video Crew is $250. Regional Video Crew scholarships may be applied towards this fee, however a scholarship is not required for participation in Video Crew.

Video Crew is designed to give participants a sampling of what it's like to be on set for a professional video shoot. The experience will involve dance and movement on camera, as well as acting, and lessons in camerawork, shot selection, blocking, lighting, etc. and is open and welcome to all dancers: Mini, Junior, Teen and Senior. The Video Crew will be filmed over the course of the week during dedicated shooting blocks that can be found on the NDH event schedule. There will be an edited feature for both Las Vegas and Orlando, as well as a combined deliverable following both NDH events. Those involved in the shoot will be granted access to the edited Video Crews as well as behind the scenes photographs.

Dancers are unable to participate in both the Video Crew and Honored Dancer Experience as rehearsals overlap.


All dancers from the graduating class of 2025 are invited to perform during the NDH Gala in both Las Vegas and Orlando! Dancers must be registered for the full workshop and attend all scheduled rehearsals to participate. There is no fee to be part of this experience and this can be combined with either Video Crew or the Honored Dancer Experience.



Honoring studios excelling in specific genres for Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Lyrical, Ballroom, and Musical Theater. Studios must have at least ONE 12 and Under and ONE 13 and Over routine in a genre to be eligible for that Honor.

Recipients of a Genre Honor will receive a $1,000 cash prize.


Honoring the overall highest scoring group routine from our Sparks, Mini, Junior, Teen & Senior age divisions.

Recipients of an All Heart Honor will receive a $500 cash prize.

*The Sparks All Heart winner will perform in the Gala.


Two awards presented to the overall highest-scoring group routine out of the 12 and Under AND 13 and Over competition (from one of the All Heart recipients).

Recipients of the Heartstopper will double their All Heart prize and receive a $1000 cash prize.


Eligible studios must have one 12/under and one 13/over routine in the five genres listed below for a total of 10 routines. The top scoring studios will enter the competition.

The Honored Studio genres are as follows:
Ballet, Tap, Hip-Hop, Jazz OR Musical Theatre, and Contemporary OR Lyrical.

*Submitted routines must represent at least 80% of the genre selected.

**Studios must submit their Honored Studio routines prior to the event starting. The submitted routines will be scored to determine the top scoring studios that will participate in the Honored Studio Competition.


The recipient of Honored Studio will receive a $20,000 cash prize.

*Winner(s) of Honored Studio will take home the highest valued prize only.

**Winners are eligible to re-compete for Honored Studio in either city after two regional seasons. The 2025 winners will be eligible to re-compete at NDH 2027.

***There must be at least 4 studios eligible for Honored Studio at a given event to hold the Honored Studio Competition.

Any routine may not perform more than 2 times during the week, including in the National Competition, Honored Studio Competition, and the Gala.

Following the final awards ceremony, studios who are selected as Honored Studio finalists are eligible to change the routines they would like to showcase in the Honored Studio Competition the next night. If an Honored Studio submission is chosen for Honored Performance, studios must change the routine they will have perform in the Honored Studio competition. Honored Performance routines may not be changed. If a routine submitted for Honored Studio is the only eligible routine a studio has for that genre then it is not eligible for Honored Performance.


Eligible studios can submit any 1 group routine of any age and genre to represent them in the Wildcard Competition during the final night gala. Studio must have at least 10 group routines and be one of the highest scoring groups from our competition to be eligible.

*Wildcard submission cannot already be an Honored Performance Finalist, or a routine performing in the Honored Studio competition.


Recipients of the Wildcard Honor will receive a $5,000 cash prize.


Top scoring group routines from each age division (Sparks not eligible). Top 3 routines from each age division are invited to re-compete in the final night gala . There is a limit 1 routine per age group per studio.

*Finalist routines cannot also be submitted for the Wildcard Competition.

**See notes on previous page regarding Honored Studio and Honored Performance routines.


Recipients of Honored Performance will receive a $5,000 cash prize.


Awarded to the studio with group routines representing the most of our eligible genres: Ballet, Ballroom, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Jazz, Lyrical, Musical Theater, and Tap. Ties will be awarded to the studio with the highest average score across each genre.

Recipients of the Honored Versatility will receive a $1,000 cash prize.


Studio with best overall sportsmanship throughout the event chosen by the National Dance Honors Production Team.

Recipients of the Honored Sportsmanship will receive a $1,000 cash prize.


In honor of Antoine Olds, we are recognizing active educators that continue to cultivate a healthy educational ecosystem for their student body across all age groups . Studios with at least one routine registered in each age category, from Sparks-Senior, are eligible to receive this Honor. The highest scoring routine from each eligible studio in each age division will be averaged to determine the winner.

Recipients of the Honored Educator will receive a $1,000 cash prize.


Individuals who have inspired and impacted the dance industry and contributed outstanding visions, dedication, and achievements throughout their lifetime.

Hello, World!